Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Awesome Solitaire.

Hello everyone! I've been busy lately and I haven't really been able to update as often as I'd like. So i'm just going to do a quick update with this awesome trailer for a game called Awesome Solitaire for the Iphone and Ipod. Awesome Solitaire was released earlier this month on the Itunes App Store for $ .99. I actually picked it up for free last weekend during the sale. It's a pretty fun time killer, but it's still solitaire.


  1. How fun do they think they can make solitaire? o_0

  2. Yeah. I wouldn't pay a buck for that.

  3. I love solitaire haha. Just sharing some love, repay the favor :P.

  4. AWESOME!!!...JK, that was so cheesy omg, is it really good? even for free? xD

  5. Heh... I agree with Mutefox. It's still just solitaire. :P Nice find, though, and thanks for sharing! Supportin' & followin'!


  6. solitaire as a solitare but it is always a time killer when i am waiting for dentist or somthin xD

  7. i love solitaire! i once beat it under 3minutes which was pretty cool

  8. Man, i never got the love for solitaire, it just kinda sucked a bit

  9. For some reason I thought this was going to be a trailer for a new movie based off of Solitare The Game. And I thought, "Not possible."
    Thankfully I was wrong. (I still want to kill the people in this ad.)

  10. lmfao , oh man wtf , and both of them playing at the same time laughn having a good time and the whole fuking thing man fukn hilarious

  11. The cheesiness of it is almost unbearable :P

    As a long-time Solitaire fan, I think I may just end up getting that...

    Thanks for posting!
